Chapter 666 Affected From Being Overly Involved

Josiah’s brows furrowed tightly, almost immediately sensing something amiss. He positioned himself protectively in front of Lysander, Nilou, and Rhizone, his gaze sweeping the outside. After discerning the direction of the car lights, he said, “Quite a few cars came, all conveniently circling the waterfront. With such glaring lights, I suspect their intentions are not good.”

During his stay in the village, he had genuinely grown fond of the peaceful and leisurely lifestyle it offered. However, his sharp instinct for sensing danger hadn’t faded away,

Nilou immediately reacted and said, “Those terrible landlords must be back!”

As she spoke these words filled with righteous indignation, she calmly arranged, “Rhizone, quickly escort Dr. Thorne and Mr. Guerra back to the health center. These people are capable of anything. Even knowing they are from the city, these people might not hesitate to take action.”

“Who are these people?” Lysander asked.

Even though she still didn’t know the origins of the people outside, she could infer from the children’s words that they didn’t bear good intentions.

Nilou said indignantly, “Dad said they are powerful and influential. Even Grandpa Blaine was bullied, let alone the others. However, we can at least avoid them if we can’t confront them. Mom has always taught us the wisdom of ‘there’s always hope. Let Rhizone guide you through the shortcut. You’ll be back at the health center in no time.

Upon hearing this, Josiah suddenly recalled his stroll with Lysander the previous night. They had caught sight of the pond from the edge of the village. Without a second thought, he scooped her up mid–shoe- tying and addressed Nilou, saying, “Why don’t you come with us? It’s safer at the health center.”

Given that these individuals are bold enough to do anything, there’s no guarantee this kid will be safe.

inform my parents and the neighbors living by the pond. We need to lay low for a while. Then we can all hide together

dashed out of the cabin,

sister. He usually didn’t have much to say unless someone initiated a conversation with him. However, his hands were now tightly clenched into

their cell phones with him. Then, cradling Lysander in his arms, he and Rhizone took a detour around the back of the house and down a

didn’t have to go to great lengths to conceal themselves, merely blending into the

moonlight illuminating the ground. It was enough for those who had adapted

they had walked a distance along the path by the pond, Lysander attempted to get down. “I think I

mud. When we return to the main road, I’m afraid I’ll scrape

a continuous squelching sound under his feet. He was genuinely walking through a muddy field. The shoes he had just

walking more steadily. He was far from matching Josiah’s height, so logically, he’d need to take two or three steps to match one of the latter’s. However, he was stepping quickly and walking briskly

has exceptional physical fitness. If he could truly escape from the village, he

her pace, it would be difficult to keep up with the two of them. To not become a burden, she tightened her grip on Josiah’s sleeve and said, “Don’t worry. I won’t fall. You should hurry and

he held her, his movements were firm and reassuring, shielding her from the chilling night wind.

made their swift exit from the reed

that the car lights were already too far to make out. Seizing the opportunity while they had

from the city,” Rhizone stumbled over his words, caught off guard by their sudden question. His response was concise and to the point.

further, “Why would they come here in the middle

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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