Chapter 698 Digging Deep To Uncover The Truth

He skillfully sidestepped the weightier issues, not uttering a single word about the poisoning and the harm done. As for the unidentified body that had yet to be identified, it was brushed off as easily as a stone thrown into the water.

Tiffany’s mood shifted faster than flipping throug book, her eyes reddening in the blink of an eye. She stood up, timidly pleading on his behalf. She was so fragile that it seemed like a gust of wind could knock her over.

“Jose, I admit that my father is indeed in the wrong this time. However, he’s only trying to push the project forward and expand the company’s business. Even though I don’t fully understand the ins and outs of business, I can clearly see how anxious he is. He is so dedicated to finding a perfect location for the villa development that he didn’t even return home.”

Josiah barely lifted his eyes, showing no intention of looking at her directly. Most of his attention was focused on the baby cradled in his arms. The child felt very close to him, even daring to play with his buttons.

This softened his tone somewhat. So, the good place you found turns out to be someone else’s home? I’ve already sent the water sample for testing. You should be well aware of the implications of poisoning, Mr. Lanister”

Such a lukewarm attitude was the most dangerous.

Just as Dillon was about to panic. Tiffany subtly tugged at his sleeve. At first glance, it was like a frightened little girl seeking comfort from her father. However, he took it as a cue and quickly regained his composure.

On the way to Guerra Group, Tiffany had already discussed with him the potential scenarios they might encounter, even going as far as preparing countermeasures.

This seemingly delicate and harmless daughter of his was actually the true backbone of Riveron Corporation in recent years.

With a heavy heart. Dillon managed to feign a look of regret as he apologized to Jogah Mr Guerra understand that no matter what I say now you might not believe me, given what has already transpired I’ve come to terms with it, and I beheve that whoever made the mistake should face the consequences”

zerokowatile. Ne deruded family name and then home

too languid to ask questions, he simply watched his

speak. He took the initiative to explain everything he had

if the water quality is indeed. ompromised, it could spell disaster for several nearby villages. It’s a matter of utmost importance that requires thorough investigation. Therefore, I contacted the police officer whose number I had previously saved,

was the person he had appointed to oversee the villa project. This individual was considered a

the one in charge was certainly qualified to bear it.

asked. “Mr. Lanister, don’t you think you’re going a bit too far in trying to clear

utterly bewildered. “What do you mean by that, Mr. Guerra?”

afraid that his feigned ignorance would push Josiah too far, so she spoke up in a timely manner. Jose, please don’t be angry. My father is also upset about making this decision. But when you do something wrong, you

rate, by the end of the investigation, the main culprit

to shell

However, since she was already here hearing her gloss over the issues with such

She promptly gave her a piece of

affairs. You’re not privy to the abrails,

any solid evidence at hand, she had no choice but to lightly reprimand

in terms of company management, I am indeed

face, she continued to ask, seemingly oblivious to the implications. Ms Thorne, if it’s not too much trouble, could you teach me? Maybe once I’ve learned, it won’t be solely up to my dad to shoulder the burden.”

better ask

phrase she could use to her advantage. With an innocent look on his face, she expressed her thoughts,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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