Chapter 490

“It’s the female vice CEO of Glory. She’s quite well-acquainted with Ms. Winton.” The gynecologist said with a frown, “I notice the position of the fetuses isn’t optimum, so there may be some risks.”

“How many fetuses are there?”

“It’s a triplet,” the gynecologist reported the test results to the doctor.

After hearing that, the doctor thought for a few moments before uttering, “If the woman’s uterus is too small and the fetuses don’t have room to move around, fetal malposition may indeed happen. Still, as long as a nuchal cord doesn’t happen, there shouldn’t be any problem.”

“But…” The gynecologist’s brows remained tightly knitted as she hesitated to speak.

When she examined Rayna’s condition earlier, she realized the babies’ movements were infrequent. Not to mention, Rayna was carrying a triplet, so she reckoned something must be off. Nevertheless, that condition might also be due to Rayna overtiring herself lately.

Ignorant to the gynecologist’s dithering, the doctor continued, “When she comes for her next pregnancy checkup, the doctor will tell her how to adjust the position of her fetuses. This shouldn’t be a significant issue, so I’ll take my leave.”

The gynecologist nodded. “See you.”

She decided not to dwell further on that matter. That’s right. Fetal malposition is not a major problem. Besides, that lady is no longer related to Mr. Faymon. It is quite troublesome if I invite these unnecessary problems onto myself for being a busybody.

With Kristie and Carl monitoring her, Rayna couldn’t leave even if she wanted to, so she had no choice but to remain there.

She felt much better after the slumber.

After having their breakfast, Rayna and Kristie went to the ward. Rayna wanted to go to the hospital alone, but Kristie wished to tag along.

Rayna asked the latter to stay in the condominium, but right after Rayna went to the garage and sat in the driver’s seat, she heard the car door being opened and closed as another person got into the car.

Rayna turned to look behind her and noticed Kristie sitting in the backseat.

She was rendered speechless.

“Rayna, I’m coming because I’m worried about you.” Kristie stuck out her tongue and urged, “Hurry up and start the car. Otherwise, that brat will be here soon.”

Rayna didn’t think it was appropriate to chase Kristie out of the vehicle, so she had no choice but to start the car. “Remember to put on a cap and a mask when you get out of the car later.”

in a film. My fans probably think I’ve been blacklisted. I don’t think anyone will recognize me even if I don’t wear

listen to me, I’m not

shut her

at the hospital ward, Rayna asked for directions and soon found the room Jessica had told her

usual rounds. When she saw Rayna, she

nodded. “Is he all

stay in the hospital for some time, so

“Okay. Thank you.”

the nurse away, Rayna pushed open

four to five

middle-aged man on the bed near the window

was wrapped in multiple layers of bandages. Even his face, the only part of him which

to have

Rayna, asked in an undertone, “Is this Jessica’s relative?

Rayna grunted in response.

she had never met Jessica’s relative, so she didn’t know who that man

eyes when he heard footsteps. He saw Rayna and Kristie

I’m Jessica’s friend.” Rayna moved closer. “Do you want

middle-aged man

what he was saying. She bent down and

sight of him speaking with that much difficulty tugged at Rayna’s heartstrings. She replied gently, “She’s been taking care of you all this while but had worn herself out, so she’s

man relaxed his furrowed

to provoke those people and not to anger the Lopez family, but she

identity. “Didn’t she arrange for you to go

“My wife and I went on vacation for two days, but we returned because we were worried about her. Unexpectedly, a group of people barged into our

beside him before asking Rayna anxiously, “Where’s

a different ward. Can you tell me who are the

my phone. I managed to snatch my phone back and told them to leave. Otherwise, I’ll call the police. However, they asked me to call the police and report to the authority that Jessica had killed someone.

Lopez family are you

difficulty and uttered in a husky voice, “When they left, someone made a phone call and addressed the other person on the phone as Mr. Lopez. He asked the latter if they should stay at our place to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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