Chapter 498

Ringo reminded softly, “Mr. Hamilton, the doctor said just now that the child—”

“The doctor meant that the chances of survival are slim, but she hasn’t miscarried yet.” Jefferson interrupted him, closing his eyes. “I’m aware of my own condition, so I know I don’t have much time left. I guess I’m not destined to have children. Nevertheless, I don’t want her to be with me anymore because I don’t want her to spend the rest of her life alone. I did all that not for Curtis’ sake but for the child’s sake. I love her and I don’t want her to be lonely.”

Life would be hard for someone who didn’t have anyone they could care for and depend on.

The last thing he wanted was for the woman he loved to experience the loneliness he felt in the first half of his life.

Ringo understood his employer’s intentions, so he remained silent.

He then utilized his connections and quickly got in contact with experienced gynecologists in Yartran.

One of the gynecologists was close to Jeremy and told him about what had happened.

Jeremy immediately stopped whatever he was doing and called Curtis.

“Curtis, are Rayna’s babies really Jefferson’s?”

“If you want to know, you can go and ask her!” Curtis replied coldly. He was in an extremely bad mood.

He was already frustrated enough with what happened last night, yet Jeremy had to call him and mention Rayna.

Jeremy said with a sigh, “Jefferson is such a lucky man. I heard Rayna’s having triplets. However, I heard she has a high chance of miscarriage. Jefferson got so worried that he even invited the royal doctors of Yartran to take care of her.”

Upon hearing that, Curtis, who was about to hang up the call, paused in his tracks.

“Is her situation very serious?”

Jeremy replied, “I guess so. I heard the probability of the babies surviving is minuscule. The doctor who examined her suggested that she undergoes surgery as quickly as possible. My friend also went to take a look and told me it’s highly plausible that Rayna is going to miscarry.”

A pause later, he lamented, “Jefferson is rather unlucky. As if it isn’t bad enough that his days are numbered, his hard-earned triplets might die before him.”

Curtis sneered coldly. “He has everything, and even if he does die, he’ll die without regrets. I can’t believe he and I were brought together by a woman even though we nearly spent our entire lives in two different worlds!”

Fate is really messed up!

Jeremy smiled. “If you despise him so much, why don’t you take over the Terblanc family? He must want to live, right? The drug was successfully developed, so you can use it as a bargaining chip.”

no need for

to test the drug on him to see if I can earn myself

Curtis was rendered speechless.

Curtis, his kids should call you ‘uncle,’

did not

call with a grim expression before blocking

at work, so Curtis did not have the time to think about other things. He was busy with

stairs, he turned back to take a look and suddenly recalled Rayna kneeling stubbornly in the rain, pleading for

frustration, Curtis swiped the keycard at the door and


busy to play.” Curtis waved the dog

ordered Gabriel to take Lucky away, but

he turned

a blue silk scarf in its mouth, wagging its tail at

silk scarf and realized it was the one Rayna wore when

with her, but it appeared at his place for

before casting a glance at the coffee in

owed her in my past life, so

“Jeremy, contact the best doctors you know and ask

you ask them to. You know, it’s about

massaged his temples. “I know. Send them there to take a look. I’ll owe them this

“Whoa, you’d do that for Ms. Garland? Is it for her sake? Or is it because you want to hear her children calling

no use to me, and I’ll make you watch as I cut your tongue off and roast it on


woke up, there would be at

of them were there

would ask her questions

asked them if there were any problems with

are fine. It’s just that it’s laborious for you to carry triplets, so I specially arranged for a few top-notch

that, for she knew



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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