Caidrian breathed soundly, “Fine. Quick history lesson, about 3000 bc, there was a planet with life on it, famously known as Venusta, now it’s just a ball of rock, which deceptors call Venus.”

Clare interrupted, as she screeched, “So I’m an alien”

Chuckling at her expression, he shook his head, “Not quite, before humans, Adonai, created Venusians. They once lived on earth before the first reckoning, but only a few of them who were worthy got sent to another planet to continue their legacy.” When he saw her mouth open, he cut her off, “Na ah, just listen.’’

She half smiled and nodded, “Venusian people were superior to humans, they have perfected versions, masters of all arts, guardians of the realms, their technology and infrastructure was advanced. But they were the most god-fearing of all creation, so much so that an Angel became jealous at Adonai’s affection for them, and in a fit of rage, he opened a portal, allowing demons to enter. It wasn't long before Venus became riddled with demons, so the Venusians decided to seek shelter on another planet, but the demons saw through their plan and destroyed Venus by flooding it with water, killing all but 100 soldiers, who were locked underground. Most of whom survived were royalty.” He paused,

“Now you must understand that in Venus the strongest of soldiers were always women, they were the leaders, so with only enough metal and blue energy for one ship they sent 50 of the strongest woman to seek their ancestral planet called earth. When they landed on earth 3000 years before Christ, they found human beings, instead of killing them, they decided to try and teach the humans to be civilized so they may grow as a species. The Venusian women noticed the humans were very similar to them, so they taught them language, farming, and sewing, but after just a few years of peace, came the Tempters and their demons.

The Angels said the humans needed to be destroyed, they were the first

trying to absorb what Caidrian had already told her, she looked at him with

going to tell me

you would call them, giving birth to a baby with a cone-shaped head, as the women went closer they noticed the child had razored teeth and beaded black

a Venusian woman and all the women bore kids. The Angels raised their first born by teaching them skills and how to use their abilities, making them elite servants of god, for all eternity. The demons

deceptors, and lived three times longer, making them superior but still mortal, calling them Lightwatchers. After the first of the Lightwatchers were grown up to twenty years, the angels left and said never to return. Though we are visited often by

her brain perished with thoughts of what she just heard,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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