Chapter 59

URN04 12:11

All the couples in the restaurant looked over and whispered to each other, wondering whether Dillan had made a successful proposal.

Not far from them sat Kylan and his wife.

Kylan had just secured his wife’s forgiveness and pleaded with her to join him for dinner.

Seeing Gilda in the restaurant with another man, Kylan took out his phone and sent a photo of Dillan’s back to Jensen.

And Kylan texted: [Dude, you see, your ex–wife has found a new guy. He looks quite handsome.]

When Jensen, who was in a meeting at Harrington Corporation, received the message, his face instantly darkened. Irritated by the photo, he slapped the phone heavily on the table, which startled those who were having the meeting.

Jensen picked up the coat on the back of his chair and said in a cold voice, “Go ahead. I have something to do

left the conference room and rushed to the

reckless in confessing my love to you in public, which left you a

your apology. Just don’t do

Gilda seriously and said, “But I really admire

was attracted by your cleverness when you easily made that foolish woman buy the bracelet.

your fragile appearance distressed me. I believe I know women very well and have been on numerous dates, but I never cared about someone’s feelings as much as

I went back to Allath, I saw you singing on the stage, and I was completely

confession, Gilda remained unmoved. She took a sip of


you’re perfect

my ex–husband is?”

he is. A man who didn’t cherish a perfect woman like you doesn’t deserve to be mentioned here,” Dillan

people inquire about Gilda’s information, but he only knew that she was working as a general manager at Glory Corporation and that she was divorced. Then he excitedly left to order flowers to confess

moment, Gilda noticed Jensen approaching with a somber expression, a glint of interest crossing her features as she inquired, “Aren’t you concerned

must be a fool. You are so perfect, and he will regret

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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