Chapter 61

“You brat! She’s Gildal The Ms. Lynch who is engaged to you!” Carl roared.

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Carl transferred Dillan to Allath so that Dillan could get close to Gilda. Originally, Patrick was against it, but Carl promised not to tell Dillan the true identity of Gilda, and Patrick agreed. That was why Dillan could go to work at Glory Corporation.

Carl had never thought that Dillan would try to break his engagement with Gilda in front of his elders and say that Gilda was ugly!

Carl only felt furious. He wanted to immediately appear in front of Dillan and teach Dillan a lesson.

Dillan stood up, staring at Gilda and shaking his head. He couldn’t associate the ugly monster in his memory with the beautiful woman in front of him.

The goddess I pursued so hard is my fiancée that I don’t want to marry at all!” Dillan shouted in disbelief.

“No! It’s not true!” Dillan couldn’t accept the reality.

He let out a long sigh and then left distressedly, leaving Gilda snickering.

up the video call and laughed for a long time alone in

never too late for a person to take


now, Gilda was even happier than winning the


Gilda’s tone

laugh after your fiancé broke

end of the phone, Patrick was a little annoyed. He didn’t expect that his beloved sister had been so

I should be happy. I should teach him a lesson

think of him pursuing you now?” Patrick asked.

about the interest involvement between the two families. We do not need to expand

her heart. Her strongest backing

know that Dillan humiliated me so much before. How


Chapter 61

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smiled, continuing, “I have no feelings for him at all now, but I do

time ago, and now she’s back. She will go to Frencia in

instantly lit up. “Aunt Helen is finally back! I miss

exhibition in Frencia. She

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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