I’m A Quadrillionaire chapter 301

After Celia and David left, Jon asked Mindy, “What do you think?”

“Not bad. He’d be perfect if he had a better family background,” Mindy said.

“You are too domineering, and you like to compare too much, so that’s why you’re so exhausted. How your classmates and friends live their lives is their business. We should just live our own lives, why compare with them? I think David is very nice. He’s a good match with Celia.”

“You may be able to, but I can’t. What do people live for? Isn’t it for their face? I just can’t stand people talking behind our backs. Besides, don’t I agree with them being together?”

“David can definitely do great things if you train him well. Trust my foresight. He might even surpass you when the time comes. You’re the one who cultivated him, so you’ll feel proud when you go out too, right?”

“Alright, you don’t have to say anything more. I know what to do. Since I agree with them being together, I won’t have any other thoughts.”

Celia drove the car while David was in the passenger seat.

“David, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know my mom would say those things,” Celia said a little embarrassedly.

it when I was in high school, but at that time, I had very low self-esteem and I was very cowardly because of the environment I grew up in. So, I didn’t dare to face it and I also didn’t dare to accept

don’t care about that,” Celia

worry, I’m no longer the same person I was back then. I

I’ll wait

drove David to Greenwood University and David

on the road,”

I got it.

drove the

moment, Hanley also received a

had sent David to the entrance of Greenwood University and

not leave Celia’s house, he would really have thought up an excuse

had taken David to see

‘But so what?

when your mother’s company and your father’s future are in my hands, I’d like to see if they

see how you’ll

got into his car and drove away. While he was on the way,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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