I’m A Quadrillionaire chapter 311

Hanley looked at and waited for the two of them to make their decision.

As long as both of them agreed, he knew that Celia was too weak-willed to ignore her parents’ sufferings and insist on being with David.

Jon and Mindy shared a look.

It was just as they had deduced that morning.

This heir of the Chasez family was angry and jealous tjat Celia was with David instead of him, and that was why he had targeted them.

Mindy was about to ask Hanley to give them some time to consider their options.

Only for Jon to interrupt, “My apologies, Mr. Chasez, but Celia has the right to make her own decisions. We may be her parents, but that does not give us the right to make such decisions for her. If she likes you and chooses to be with you, we will not object. If she likes someone else and chooses to be with them instead, we will not object either.”

Mindy flushed. She did not expect her husband to decline Hanley so directly. She had already planned to persuade Celia.

“Oh? So you’re choosing option two, then?” Hanley asked darkly.

“It’s not that we’re choosing option two, it’s just that number two is our only option,” Jon replied.

Jon had always been a righteous man and it could be seen in his attitude and the way he handled his affairs. This was also why Mindy decided to start a business in a huff of anger back


He had the ability to improve his family’s living conditions back then, but he refused to earn money from gray areas of the law. Thus, Mindy decided she would enter the business industry

and make her own money.

Jon would rather retreat to the county than sacrifice his daughter’s happiness for a brighter career.

Mrs. Young, now that something illegal has been found in your makeup

nice, then it

Mindy shouted

Jon said, suppressing

Just you wait,

office with Elmer and Beautylish Group’s

I don’t want to live the rest of my life in jail! Save me!” Mindy

as the Chasez family was powerful enough to easily

let them

out his phone to call his old

his unwillingness to use his power for benefits, she had no idea that the old senior officer had chosen Jon as his secretary because of Jon’s upright attitude. The moment Jon used his

officer was a righteous

and Jon told the old

your family stays safe. No matter how powerful the Chasez family

Sir!” Jon said,

promise, the couple let out a sigh of relief after hanging up the

the old senior officer, he

shares. Despite knowing that no one would buy, they still decided to try anyway. After all, there

the shares out, the debt was no longer their problem to deal

shares were worth over three billion dollars but now had

also afraid that any lower value would result i n arousing

After Hanley left the Beautylish Group headquarters, he spoke to his butler after he got into the car, “Elmer, discover something in the makeup products you pulled off the shelf as I said just now. We’ll lock Mindy up first,

“Yes, Mr. Hanley!”


Elmer received news that

Hanley, we’ve got a problem,”

“What problem?” Hanley asked.

someone of pretty high status as

old b*stard! Just die already, old fart! Then immediately pull down the values of Mindy’s shares! Drag them as low as possible!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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