I’m A Quadrillionaire chapter 328

Hank glanced at T Faction’s core members sitting there and said, “I think we need a change!”

The other six great fighters looked at him in bewilderment.

Stan said, “Go on!”

“SCC has grown rapidly with three bosses in charge, and I think we should follow suit and add another T.”

Hank looked nervously at the six great fighters and Stan.

He knew he was challenging Stan’s authority.

However, the thought of having such a tough uncle calmed him down.

Since he had a backer, he would put it to good use!

He knew his uncle Justin was not a card to play lightly.

If used, it meant that the Chasez family was not far from destruction, and they only had one chance to save themselves.

More importantly, the card was a deterrent. He did not understand why his grandfather Joseph did not reveal Justin’s identity, which could definitely deter all the families and give the Chasez family a huge advantage to develop.

was as if everyone was unarmed, and you had a gun, but it only

offend you. If you hid it, people would go against you, and you

would cause

almost killed the brothers


secret among the older generations of Capital City’s aristocratic

status as a first-rate aristocratic family in Capital city

ends meet and was about to fall into the ranks of second-rate aristocratic families. It was not until

wanted to maintain the family’s status. He no longer

young and wanted to take the Chasez family

to play Justin’s card today

was the day of Hank’s

Chasez family an elite aristocratic


Even Stan!

thought Hank would say such

gave him the

crazy to say that. He had


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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