Chapter 34 The streamer was playing The Island. 

It was a very cute girl who’s name was Jasmine.

When she saw David, who was a king of Level 1000 and above, she hid in a corner.

Then, she stood up and lifted the pinkies of her both hands up. After that, she bent her knees slightly and said softly, “Welcome to my stream, Mr. Match. It’s an honor to have you here.”

This was a super big shot, so she had to entertain him well.

The cute streamer’s gestures amused David.

Money truly made the world go round.

David immediately commented.

“Jasmine, play the game well. If you win, I’ll give you 666 Super Rockets as a celebration.”

When Jasmine saw David’s comment, she was beyond surprised. If she won this round, then it would be even more worthwhile than winning a hundred times or a thousand times during normal times!

She quickly sat down and continued the game. As she played, she said, “Thanks for the support, Mr. Match! I’ll work hard to win!”

The audience who was watching this started spamming at the comment section again.



indeed! The way you spend money is so out of

game carefully. Her skills were okay normally and

that she would lose. If she did, then her gift of over one million bucks would be gone.

three people left, Jasmine let out a sign of relief.

she quickly jumped to the other side, but it was

boom, Jasmine died in the

Jasmine wanted to

it was gone. Jasmine sat in front of the computer for a


in the stream

He was itching to play too so he


David’s comment. So, she quickly replied,

round. The

David and would give

not reject it either. To be honest, David was not that good because he did not play

as there were no powerful

Jasmine successfully brought David to the

was also the first time David

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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