Chapter 19 (Jacob the Brave gave streamer Hahny Super Rocket x66]. 

Half an hour later…

(Mr. Leo gave streamer Hahny Super Rocket x1314)

(Jacob the Brave gave streamer Hahny Super Rocket x1314)

The stream was going wild.

The number of viewers had reached more than 100 thousand.

Numerous comments about how lavish they were appeared on the screen.

Amelia was also going crazy. However, she was going crazy from happiness. She did not expect the two t o be so generous and the two of them to give her more than two million in gifts.

After this, she would be able to get about 3 million in bonuses. She could not even wrap her head around this fact. 2

this, it would be fine if they could win

would win, they would not be

that, Leo

to the point, “Old boy, I’m about to use five million to win over Amelia. If you want to give more, then I’ll quit and you can give me back those

answering, “Old chap, transfer 3 million to me now and I will stop fighting

you now! You are not

voice could be heard from

on their level were scoundrels to some degree, they were men


400 thousand to get to Rank 1. By now, he had

feel pain after spending more than six million in

Inside the stream,

he immediately quit the stream. His rockets

viewers in the stream were

were still fighting to their deaths just now, yet one of them had quit

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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