“Yep.” He nodded solemnly.

And then Olivia let out a laugh.

“Why are you laughing?”

“I thought it was something worse, but it turns out you’re just looking for a job. You could have just called me.”

Thomas blinked. “So you’re gonna help?”

“Of course. Can you drive?”

“Yep.” He learned how to drive when he was in the military. In terms of skill, he was about on par with any professional racer. He was the driver every time they were out on missions, and all the dangerous situations he escaped from polished his skills.

She tossed her car key to him. “You’re my driver now, and just in time too because I need to see someone.”

She then got up. If it weren’t for his visit, she would have been negotiating with Mr. Munich. Now that she had settled his problem and got herself a driver, she had to settle work as soon as possible.

Thomas was surprised to see the logo on the key. He thought, Wow, she’s really rich. It’s a BMW, and she tosses the key around like it’s nothing.

“Well, don’t just stand there.”

“Um…” Thomas scratched his head. “You haven’t told me how much you’re paying me. I need a job that pays me slightly higher.” I can’t take care of Chloe and her family otherwise. Her father’s treatment costs a lot. Gotta talk to her about this upfront.

thumped her chest. “Eleven hundred

eyes shone. Most of Irieson’s white collars were only paid that much as well. That’s a big company for you.

Olivia paid him that much was because of her gratitude for

the time. “Okay, what

She used to go to college, but she dropped out because of financial issues. Can you give her a job too? It doesn’t have to pay too much. Just an easy

secretary. She can

but then she realized Thomas still wasn’t coming. “Don’t

awkwardly. “Can you lend me twenty-eight hundred? Deduct it from my

you finish everything in one go?

his head. “No. That’s

for you once I’m done with

relieved. He then left the conference room and asked, “Well, let’s go, Miss Pearson. Aren’t

It’s your fault. You might

like Irieson, a Z4 was still rare. He drove slowly at

get exasperated. “Can you really drive?

course, I can.

speed up. I’m

wanna scare you. You might

me?” She scoffed. “Not to brag, but nobody’s driving can scare

one doing all the scaring. Olivia wasn’t called the destroyer of cars for nothing. She would turn left while

off. “I think we should go slow. For safety’s

have time for you to train yourself up. If you keep driving at this speed, I might have

started getting solemn after hearing that. I can’t let her deduct my pay. Fine. I was going to stay humble, but you asked for it, so don’t say

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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