Chapter 9

Kian pov

I can't believe how stubborn my little mate is, she rather crawls her way over to the bathroom than takes my help.

Looking at her in pain on the floor I sigh and pull her body into my lap.

I can't have her like this! I need answers from her! She tries to fight me off but there isn't much she can do, even if I like her feisty mood.

She is still small, not bigger than a child in my arms.

Taking my hand over her nose and cutting off her air her eyes shoot up and look at me, I guess she knows what I plan to do.

"No! No! Let me go" she screams to me.

I just ignore her.

Biting on my wrist I see panic in her eyes and she growls at me.I would love to see what she would try to do if she were healed up.

Taking my wrist to her mouth she closes her lips and I just wait for her to run out of oxygen.

She scratches me on my face but nothing she does can get me off her.

It doesn't take long before she has to open her mouth and my blood starts to pour down her throat.

I feel how she starts to relax in my arms and take my wrist from her hand and bite into it again.

She doesn't try to fight me off when I place my wrist on her lips again.It takes just a moment before I hear a soft moan and she holds my wrist close to her lips.

King my blood will help her body heal up quickly and the euphoria she feels


get longer and I want to sink them into her flesh, marking her as mine and claiming

at her eyes and see

my thumb to wipe it off, only for her to open her mouth and let

haul her further up in my lap I trace my nose down

large inhale of

her skin, taking my tongue and licking up the blood, and

don't get more time with her before the euphoria wears off and she starts to fight me off instead.She tries to push me away and get out of

"let me go!"

and growls at

to see what she would do, but

to stand up but falls on her knees, she isn't healed up quite yet and I get on my feet and pick her up in my arms before I start to walk with her over

but she isno match for me! 1 Putting her down inside by the toilet I take my finger under her chin and

blue eyes look angry at me and her angry spirit stirs up the bond in my body,

push the feeling back

"You got five minutes!"

I walk out to the room again.I

and Declan

in the air and look at me

something you need to

looks over at the

I lean back on the


all I say and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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