I will see you in my Dreams

Chapter 19 The Poems

Accompaniment music as background…..so peaceful  and relaxing with rustling of rain and soft wind. Hannah started to recite the poem.

Today will be perfect

In every single way.

A beautiful fairy tale

For your wedding day.

The theme of your day 

Is to have love and laughter 

And to live your days 

Happily ever after. 

Ari' responded:

Living happily is What we need to survive,

So how does one keep

The magic alive? 

How do you light a spark

That never goes out?

And how does one live a life 

Without fear or doubt? 


How do some people manage 

To keep their love strong?

And how do some couples 

Always feel like they belong?

What do you need to do

To stay in love forever

make each day

fonder together?


Well, these very questions

address every

must take the

go out of your

always share love

And always share laughter,

do whatever it

live happily


a recipe I think

with Always having

forget it's importantTo have


your love


You must communicate

Each and every day.

Three special little words

never forget to

It's amazing

these words

Happy, safe, and valued,



simple act

a long,

Blend it with understanding

you can't

Don't forget friendship.


a sprinkle of faith And

Ari and Hannah together...

Remember your smile.

is beautiful to

brighten one's

can make

both Always have love

that you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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