I’m A Quadrillionaire chapter 219

How Sarah ended up was sad!

However, it was unworthy of David’s sympathy.

Mainly because she had hurt David too much.

There was nothing wrong with breaking up when two people stopped loving each other. However, Sarah even humiliated him to please Leo after breaking up, which David thought was too hurtful.

Before he returned to normal, he decided not to respond to Celia’s hints and wait for a while. first.

Therefore, he said, “I’ll contact you when I’m in Capital City!”

On the other side.

Celia waited anxiously, and David finally texted back.

However, she was somewhat confused by the contents of the message!

‘What the hell does that even mean?

making myself clear

he as dense as

and want to be

hard enough for a girl to say that,

He’s such

when she remembered that David would be coming

I’ll just tell him right away then. He said he

anything less than

there was

Graham’s voice came from

almost noon. Why are you still asleep? Get up! We have guests! Aren’t a big

let me sleep in a

told you we have guests. Hurry downstairs and greet

I don’t know them. Why should I go

come downstairs. Hurry downstairs after washing up!

went downstairs

out of bed and

came up here a second time,

saw a mother and son talking to her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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