I’m A Quadrillionaire chapter 272

Can I switch out the director?” David asked with a smile.

“Huh?” Homer looked puzzled.

Not only him, but Marie and Hannah also looked stunned.

They had no idea David would make such a request.

Homer immediately understood.

David must have had a grudge against him for scolding Marie earlier.

Was he not humiliating him when he scolded his woman in front of him?

He regretted it now. He should have gotten the facts straight first.

What should he do now?

Although he was the head of the movie, the investor was the core of the project.

the project would never go forward. On the contrary, any director with a bit

did become the backer for this movie, he could replace him with

work without him, but it would

Mr. Lidell! I

to explain, but David interrupted him

or not?” David asked as he looked

“You can, but…”

finish, David beat her to it by saying, “It’s fine as long as I can switch him out. Aren’t you Marie’s manager?

David’s phone rang.

the phone

to sign! Are you at

city’s investment

hall on the sixtieth floor. Come over. I happen to want to talk to you about something,”

Lidell. Give me a

few minutes later, Hugo came

keep the big

here are some documents you need to sign,” Hugo said

scribbled on it and said, “I want to

investment of one billion dollars with the possibility of topping it up later if it’s insufficient. Talk

Mr. Lidell!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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