I’m A Quadrillionaire chapter 323

He wanted to give the bastard a piece of his mind, but he let it go after seeing how anxious he was.

Joseph went on about how talented and tough Justin was.

He also told Hank how powerful Bloodthirsty Mercenary was and how important Dark Cape was to Somerland and Falconia.

Hank became increasingly surprised over the course of the conversation.


Once Joseph finished, he was in a state of utter confusion.

have such a tough

I have no

even heard


get-out-of-jail-free ticket in Somerland as

can say that!”

will happen if he lays a hand on the Chasez family. He won’t do it unless he doesn’t want to live in Somerland anymore. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to stay in the country.” “Then why should I be afraid of him? There’s no need to ask Elmer to cancel the plan. Go all out. I want to give David a piece of my mind. Since he’ll be scared to kill me, let’s show Capital City’s aristocratic families that the Chasez family dares to offend the person the Quinn family i s scared of offending,” Hank said excitedly. ‘I can finally hold my head high. I’ll see who in Capital City dares mess with me. ‘I can kill you, but you dare not kill me!’ However, Joseph immediately spoiled his mood. “He won’t kill you but can still beat you up every once in a while. You can try if you’re not

‘But that’s okay!

that we have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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