I’m A Quadrillionaire chapter 346

“So Black Water Mercenaries were the ones wlio destroyed your home‘

**Not exactly, but their captain and first deputy captain were the ones who did that. However, 1 could only kill their first deputy captain and not their captain, Black Water le plotted against me during this assassination attempt so that‘s why I fled here.”

“Tell me about your situation. If you can convince me, I won‘t kill you and I will even give you a surprise,” David said.

He wanted to hear the story of Blue Enchantress.


If she had never killed an innocent person just as she claimed, he felt that it would be good to bring this person under his command.

anyway, but of

Enchantress began to tell David about her

After all, she could sense that David

this to catch the first deputy captain of Black Water Mercenaries off guard and kill him. He was at the beginning stage of Dragon Rank while she was halfway through Dragon Rank. Although they seemed to be half a step apart, there was a huge gap

David was the sea and there was absolutely no comparison between the two. So, she could

country on the edge of the Chaos Land who lived a

the area of a small county in Somerland. However, these small countries were much richer in resources than the small counties in Somerland. Ten years ago, the resources of this small country were coveted

country resisted with all its might, it was still defeated in the face of the enemy’s well-prepared invasion. Everyone in the country was killed or captured. With the help of her master, she escaped. In the end, her master also died tragically at

completely seizing her country’s resources. Many high-level mercenaries returned to their own

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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