I’m A Quadrillionaire chapter 392

David returned to the Starry Night Hotel and looked at his lavish points.

875 points.

It was increasing every day, but there was still a long way to go until he got 10 thousand points.

Dark Cape had yet to officially start to burn money.


Moreover, he had to get ready to leave Capital City.

First, he would go directly to Springfield to discuss developing abroad with Pearl. Then, he would go back to South River Province to attend the class reunion.

He would go to Celia’s house tomorrow to say goodbye.

The most important thing was to improve his strength.

Strength was the foundation to everything, and everything else was not important.

He would protect everything he had as long as he had strength.

The next day.

David came to Celia’s house early in the morning.

The treatment David received this time was completely different from before.

Mindy actually poured water for David personally, which flattered David a little.

David told Mindy that he wanted Celia to go to the high school reunion with him.

Of course, Mindy readily agreed to that now.

She wished that Celia would follow David closely.

Where would she find such an excellent son-in-law as David in case something unexpected happened?

However, David told Celia to wait a few days before heading to South River Province.

He was going to Springfield first, and he was not going to take Celia with him for the time


David bought a ticket

in the Starry Night Hotel when

you still in Capital City?” Lucas

“Yes,” David replied.

your specific

at the Starry Night

that time time. It’s a black car with a license plate number of

“Who is it?”

will know when


call with Lucas, David wondered

from Lucas’s tone, it

later, David came to the entrance of

black car was already waiting in front of the

the license plate, and got into

the car, Lucas

who wants to see me?” David

arrive. Don’t ask for now,” Lucas

and stopped

a question for

“Alright, Captain.”


David was shocked.

Had he been exposed?

How was it possible?

He planned it meticulously.

he showed was beyond the strength of

normally would

Lucas suspecting


Lucas must be trying to extract information

Silver Face?” David asked, pretending

Even though I can’t beat you now, I’m still your captain and

what you’re talking

still denying it, huh? Then, I’ll convince you. You executed plan this flawlessly and you’re successful in hiding your strength so that others wouldn’t suspect you. However, did the people

David shuddered.

Oh no!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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