I’m A Quadrillionaire chapter 375

“Mrs. Young, actually, I want to tell you…”

“Alright, I know what you want to say, but I’m a little tired now and I’ve been busy these few days. Let’s talk about it next time we have a chance. It’s settled then, come over and be my assistant after your break. I will show you the world and expand your horizons.”

With that Mindy got up and went upstairs to rest.

David sat in the same place and was a little stunned.


‘What kind of woman is this?

She’s too overbearing!

She didn’t even let me finish.

‘H-How did Celia and her dad live with such a woman for so many years?

‘Especially Mr. Young.’

David glanced at Jon.

He noticed that Jon was already used to this.

David took another look at Celia.

was looking at David


find out in the future, don’t say that I deliberately hid

that’s how she is. She decides everything and it’s hard for others to change her mind, just get used to it. Don’t

Jon behaving this way, he figured that Jon might have gotten used to this

a good-natured person like Jon could live with Mindy

other people, they might have gotten

did not inherit her mother’s bad temper. If not, he did not know how such an obedient and cute

I don’t mind. I know she’s doing this for my own good. It’s late now,

there’s nothing else, I’ll

“Go ahead. Drive safe.”

leave now. Mr. Young,



David left.

“Dad,” Celia called out.

didn’t force you two apart. What else do you want?” Jon

can’t say those things

who he is. What are you going to do if you get married to him and he’s always indulging in sensual pleasures out there when

think anyone would dare to court me

this in front of your mother.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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