I'm Richer Than My Billionaire ex-husband

I’m Richer Than My Billionaire Ex-Husband Novel Chapter 5

Chapter 5 The Director of Grandma’s Hospital

Andre personally took Alina to the hospital.

Because of what happened this morning, he didn’t dare to leave her side now, and Alina felt he was too nervous.

“What’s there to be afraid of? Now that Emma is in perfect health, he won’t come back to draw my blood”

“Don’t you dare”

Andre was also angry and couldn’t help but shout out.

But when he thought of Caleb’s usual methods, he couldn’t help but worry, “I will personally send you the results of Grandma’s matter, so you should leave it alone and go home early”

This is the only way she will be safest.

At the words, Alina silent for a while, spoke, “] can let you do other things, but | must personally to investigate this matter’

Andre didn’t know what Grandma Erica Cook means to Alina.

When Grandma Erica was alive, she gave almost all her love to Alina, and even when she was dying, she was worried about Alina.

The marriage between her and Caleb was also a result of a commitment from her grandmother to Grandpa Max, who was afraid she wouldn’t be able to take care of herself on her own.

But no one had thought that her marriage to Caleb would end up like this.

In the head doctor’s office, Mr. Dean heard Alina’s intention, “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I’ll have to go through Master Caleb on this one.

Alina and Andre looked at each other.

And then they looked at Mr. Dean again, “Why do you need his permission?”

“Master Caleb is now our director, so…

Mr. Dean looked at Alina and said with difficulty.

Alina’s brow knitted again.

She remembered very clearly that when her grandmother was in this hospital, it was not owned by the Collins family.

Now, Caleb was the director of this hospital?

After coming out of the hospital, Andre’s face didn’t look good, and he looked at Alina with a serious frown and said, “I think it’s safer for you to go back to Shirling”

“You sense something fishy, too?” Alina’s voice was light.

Andre was the president of VIG, and this was his keen first reaction.

For how important the old Ms. Cook is to Alina, Caleb, as a husband, couldn’t possibly not know.

not do anything, even the day Caleb and Emma announced their engagement, Alina


news broke

serious, “You know what Caleb

his sentence, his phone

hang up the phone, however, when he saw

changed, “Okay, I’ll come right over” After saying that, he hung up the

wrong with the company, you go back to Mulherd Manor first, everything will be discussed when

“Okay” Alina nodded.

and left the car with

back to Mulherd Manor as she was

company was not shocked

saw her and came forward respectfully, “You’re

Tomas, who stopped in front of her,

wait a moment. Tomas

less than a minute, Tomas came out, together with Emma with red

Emma shot her a

do you have to

Alina was the cause of all

however, still had a flirtatious smile on her


and without makeup she was even more

her would be

so angry that she wanted to kill Alina, but because of the many people in the company,

looked at Alina, who had only just shown up,

stroked her

said, “Interrupting your

“Me and her, actually.”

have something very important to ask

man could finish his sentence, he was

interested in knowing what kind of existence Emma was. She just knew that Emma was more than a wife and a child in Caleb’s heart, and

her indifferent look and a wave of irritation rose up in his

about her rebuttal in the car this morning, he knew she was completely different from the well-behaved

she was charming, but also sharp

ahead.” Caleb spat

are now the

“Yes, what’s wrong?”

to my grandfather?” She was talking about the news of her grandmother’s

and said with a puzzled tone,

her body

the part of her work, while her private life abroad seemed to

dug deeper, but there was

blocking the message was her current husband Andre, but now it seemed that it was her grandfather whom

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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