In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Novel Read Online Free Chapter 329

I raised my eyebrows. “Bingo!”

Seeing my reaction, he hesitated before saying, “Letty, you really don’t care for your biological parents?”

I glanced at him again and frowned. “You’ve mentioned this at least a few times. Wasn’t I clear enough? They’ve abandoned me, so that means they no longer wanted me. If I keep thinking about this, I can’t move on. Why not let go and move on?”

He nodded, seemingly preoccupied.

My car came to a stop at John’s villa. I turned my head and realized he was deep in thought.

It took him a while to snap back to reality. “Letty, do you still hate me?” he asked in a serious manner.

I was taken aback. “Huh?”

“About Macy, and how I tortured you.” His voice grew softer. This is unlike him.

My mouth snapped shut as my expression darkened. “John, that’s in the past. Let’s not talk about it anymore.”

you still hate

was astonished. “It’s over. Besides, it was

beings. I used to fear John, but now I relied on him as though he was my

chin thoughtfully. “One day, if you

his sudden question. “What did you do?

on, “Will

better than I do. I won’t forgive you if you go past my bottom line. So, don’t do anything to harm me. Let’s be

“Mm, we’ll be siblings forever. Your parents aren’t with you, but you have me and Uncle Louis. We’ll be your family

nodded. Strangely, my sixth sense told me he was

I knew he wouldn’t say anything even if I urged him

“It’s late.

I returned

10 p.m., so I was

think this is her house? She comes and goes

my way as her lips drew back in a snarl. “Well, well. Look who’s back home late at night. Scarlett, you can’t stop

I’ve ever seen. If it weren’t for Parker, she wouldn’t even get to be here

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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