In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Novel Read Online Free Chapter 331

God, I was so blind. I perceived his duplicated kindness as a genuine love for me. I never once thought of this. If anything bad happened to Rebecca, he would always choose her.

Seeing my silence, Sally knew that no amount of lecturing would get to me anymore. A soft sigh slipped from her lips. She headed to her bedroom for a change of clothes before leaving the house.

Thoughts engulfing me whole, I stilled for some time before getting up to leave. Mrs. Eriksen, who stayed with me, immediately got up to stall. “Letty, where are you going?”

“The hospital.”

She hurriedly blocked the door. “No, don’t! Mr. Ashton and the Moore family are most likely furious with you, so it’s not wise to go there now. Come, let’s stay here, okay? We’ll deal with things once everyone calms down.”

At her request, I sank back down onto the sofa and buried my face into my palms. The villa became abnormally quiet, save for the drums pounding in my head and heart.

Endless confusion weighed down the air around me.

After a while, footsteps drew closer in the villa. Mrs. Eriksen’s voice sounded, “Dr. Crest. Why aren’t you at the hospital?”

A huge shadow shaded over me. Irritation prickled under my skin as I looked up to see Jared’s slender figure standing in front of me. A distant and indifferent frown etched on his face.

I glanced at the blood on my hands then warned, “Please hire a lawyer if you’re here to accuse me of what happened. I’m in a very bad mood right now, so I can’t guarantee whether I will have an emotional episode and start assaulting you.”


He looked at me with profound impotence. Some seconds slipped past before he finally challenged, “There are no knives here. How exactly do you plan to attack me?”

in sizzling annoyance. There was nothing more to

glass of water. He sipped quietly with no intention of continuing

turned to him and frowned. “Aren’t

raised a brow and questioned back, “Why should I lecture you?


get amused

him as he chuckled, “Do

here to watch how things will

rushed closer from the yard. There was no doubt as to whose it was. Ashton

his hands, his slender figure entered the villa. The gloom on his face

and he instructed indifferently at

“No!” I refused.

trying to suppress his blazing emotions. “Get up,” he instructed.

and dragged me out to the yard. After shoving me into the car, we raced for the

it was Ashton’s seething anger, his hold tightened as his fingers ripped into

faintest tingle before numbness took over my wrist. I barked at him, “Let go of me! If she dies, I’ll pay with my own life. You don’t have to exterminate

and realized how roughly he gripped onto me. Then, his fingers finally

blotches obnoxiously seeped

moment, it seemed as if he

lower lip. “It’s

face scrunched up. The coldness in his eyes intensified and his lips clamped shut to steady the anger inside him. “How could you, Scarlett? No matter how much you hate her, she’s already lost a child. She’s already been punished. You’ve gone too far

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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