In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Novel Read Online Free Chapter 333

Joe stared at me. It seemed like his emotions were well-controlled as he asked, “Only a murder’s death can compensate for their victim’s death. Have you thought about what you’ll do now?”

Raising my gaze, I noticed the hidden malice in his frosty stare. “I thought you liked her back then, now I’m not so sure anymore. She’s still in there being operated on and you’re already saying that she’s dead.”

My words stunned him. By the time he parted his lips to speak, I had already lost interest in arguing with him.

I stood up and left for the washrooms. As I passed the door to the stairway, my feet couldn’t help but slow down. Ashton and Jared were smoking behind the door.

However, it was obvious that the two of them wanted to speak in private. Smoking was an excuse to do so.

My feet halted a distance away, not going any closer. I heard Jared’s unfriendly voice as it echoed from behind the door, “Do you regret it?”

A cigarette sat between Ashton’s slender fingers. He spoke unemotionally, “There’s nothing to regret.”

This prompted a laugh from Jared. “What if Rebecca dies? What will you do then?”

“Compensate them,” Ashton spat. The word came out blatantly.

Jared sniggered, “You’d let both of the women who love you die? So having one dead isn’t enough for you? What a bold thought.”

Hearing this, I no longer cared about what they were saying. I shouldn’t have listened to their conversation in the first place. I already knew how this story would end. Yet, my brain insisted on confirming his thoughts and feelings again, even if it only brought more sorrow to me.

I left directly for the washroom. By the time I came out, Rebecca had been transferred to the general ward.

anesthetic wore off, Rebecca awoke. All color had drained

her lips parted slowly. She rasped, “Mom? Dad? Why am

held her hand and explained that she had gotten hurt, that Ashton

probably struggling to recall what

landed on Ashton. Her eyes tinted red as she cried out with a grating voice,

she reached out to pull Ashton closer. As she moved, the wound started to rip.

immediately, rushing up to support her lower back. His eyelids lowered slightly as he ushered her to stop. “You just had surgery. Don’t overwork your body

glare my way and claimed, “It was Scarlett, Ash! She’s out to kill me. This woman

finger at me and shrilled, “I don’t want

a blank stare and my lips pursed uncomfortably. Seeing her lean into Ashton’s chest, a sharp, growing pain prickled

“Mom and Dad.


and watched her with a complicated gaze.

His expression dimmed as he watched Rebecca pull

I’d like to file a report for attempted assault. That person

speedily reported

as Ashton’s face darkened,

over at me. He paused slightly before saying, “Come on. I’ll drive you

lips pressed together into a thin line. Without the slightest care in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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