In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Novel Read Online Free Chapter 388

“That’s enough!” Zachary thundered, his gaze ebony. “The result of the investigation is clear as day, and we’re also partly responsible for Rebecca’s actions. Let’s just send her away.”

Hearing that, Rebecca stared at him in disbelief. “Dad, I’m your daughter. Where do you want to send me? Don’t you want me anymore?” she wailed at the top of her lungs.

“Listen to me, Rebecca. Neither I nor Cam can protect you when you’ve done such a grievous thing. Besides, Ashton won’t let you off the hook so easily. Sally is his aunt, so he can’t do anything to her, but it’s different with you. Despite his promise to your brother, no one can guarantee that he’ll spare you. The Moore family can’t take any more hits. Hence, if you don’t leave, neither we nor the Moore family will be able to withstand this disaster. Louis Stovall will do everything in his power to attack the Moore family, so everyone will be destroyed at that time!”

Rebecca shook her head as tears poured down her cheeks. “No, it wasn’t me. I don’t have the ability to do that, and how could I possibly be so stupid? I would’ve just killed her off.”

As she was dragged out of the villa by the two bodyguards, I suddenly blurted, “Don’t give her hell anymore. Perhaps it truly wasn’t her doing.”

Both Cameron and Zachary were momentarily taken aback. Staring at me, they started, “Ms. Stovall, you don’t need to…”

“I’m not trying to help her,” I asserted. “Ashton, Louis, and even the Moore family couldn’t find anything about the man in the hotel room. Do you think Ms. Larson has the ability to do as much?”

I know better than anyone that Rebecca Larson hates me and wants me dead, but there are too many uncertainties in this matter. Hudson claimed that it was Sally who phoned and paid him, but he never had direct contact with her, nor had he ever heard her say all that personally.

Everything hinges on the phone, but a person’s voice can be changed, and the phone could’ve been borrowed or lost. If someone had done something here, there’s no way to ascertain it. Furthermore, the man in the room had also told Hudson that he’s very mysterious.

Upon hearing this, both Cameron and Zachary went silent. Pausing for a moment, they looked at me and murmured, “Ms. Stovall, you…”

a decision can’t be made before the matter

Don’t think I’m unaware that you were fooling around out there because you were feeling lonely. Yet, you’re now shifting the blame on me to cover up

away with slight distaste. Then, he cast a glance at me, but in the end, he left without saying a single

at me, she hesitated for a moment before saying, “Rest well

I didn’t respond to that. My drowsiness was all but gone, so I

He said he’ll bring it back for you later,” the confinement nanny

“It’s okay. I’ll

confinement nanny was just about to counter, but she then swallowed her words when she saw

for some time, I gave John a call

outside the villa. To my surprise, he drove a

into the car, I couldn’t help but

“If I’m too ostentatious, it’ll bring Uncle Louis

without commenting further. I threw him a glance and then queried, “Can you find out the grudge between Ashton and

hearing this, he frowned. “A grudge? Aren’t they good friends? What grudge

for Rebecca or Sally to deal me such a lethal blow,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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