In My Desperate Time

Chapter 37 The story of a six-dollar hot pot

Frances Louis doesn’t mind using the spoon I used, and my face blushes.

The boss looks at us, trying to hold his smile. He might think that Frances Louis and I are lovers.

Although I feel too intimate to share a spoon with him, I am embarrassed to ask the boss to give me another one.

Frances Louis returns the spoon to me. I look at the remaining half of the Fried rice, don’t know what to do.

“Just eat, it tastes not good if it gets cold.”

The uncle urges, not knowing whether he does it on purpose or not.

However, I can’t let him lose face. So I have to bite the bullet and continue to eat, and I don’t dare to look at the expression of Frances Louis.

Finally, I finish the remaining half of the meal, and call the boss to pay the bill.

“Six dollars, two dollars more than before.” The boss takes the money from my hand and says that he would go back to accompany his wife and children. Therefore, I feel embarrassed to stay longer and leave with Frances Louis.

After walking two steps, Frances Louis suddenly asks me, “have you heard the story of a six-dollar hot pot?”

Of course, I have.

laughter of our dormitory for

by saying this to me out

you want to say?” I purse my lips, looking at Frances Louis.

say, I can also sell my body to you. No matter how many times one night.”

deeper his voice is, the more seductive it is.

I don't know how he manages to say such shameless words.

I stare at him and say angrily, “I'm going

stops by. I stop it, open the door and get in.

comes the

to me. And that day will come

know how Frances Louis could say this with such confidence. I would recognize him as being insane. I don’t

home, Steven

he is picked up by a sophisticated woman after drinking. Anyway he can't suffer loss, so I don’t care much

smell on my body. Before going to bed, I still take

morning, when I get up and walk out of the room, I see Steven Song sitting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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