In My Desperate Time

Chapter 98 Partners in crime

I look all over the table, even under it, but I couldn't find the drawings.

It's not windy today. It's impossible for drawings to fly away.

After a few minutes, Nicole Snow will ask me for the drawings, and if I couldn’t give them to her, she's going to make trouble for me!

Speak of the devil and she will appear.

Nicole Snow comes up to me and holds out her hand.

"Where are the drawings? Give them to me."

I freeze and say to her in embarrassment, "I can't find them."

"Can't you find them or have you lost them? Or you gave them to someone else!"

Nicole Snow looks at me suspiciously, like I'm a spy.

"I really can’t find them. They were here before I went upstairs. But when I came back, I couldn't find them anywhere." I explain.

at my colleagues, hoping someone testify for me. After searching for

except Nicole Snow's running

such important drawings? Do you know how much the company would lose if

rises up as if she wants to tell everyone

is not done is not done. If she has to frame me up, I wouldn't give

you have taken away the drawings. After all, you have always disliked me. It is possible that you have taken away the drawings and deliberately

clears her throat and says, "Don’t slander me! If you don't give me

learn that Nicole

of a crooked shoe. The office is being monitored. We can see the surveillance video. If I did, I would be willing to take the penalty and leave this company. But

a lot of enemies at the company. If I keep being a cowardly lion,

to the staff in the office, "It is very troublesome to get the video, you can check your seats. We work in the same office, it’s possible for

everyone begins to


your drawings here? Did you drop it

hands me the drawings

look at Nicole Snow and May Wilson.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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