In My Desperate Time

Chapter 118 What a jerk.

“Shame on you.”

I say in a low voice, and go upstairs. I have to choose the right dress for my cruise tomorrow.

I don’t have many clothes, after looking for a long time, only a gauze skirt looks appropriate.

Then I take my nightgown to the bathroom for taking a bath. When I am washing, suddenly there is someone knocking on the door.

Not the door of the bedroom, but the door of the bathroom!

There is no one else in this house but Frances Louis. It must be him!

“Don’t come in!”

I say in a panic.

The next second, the door handle is turned, Frances Louis opens the door and comes in, glancing at me.

“Don’t you hear me? I said don’t come in!” I quickly pick up a towel to cover my naked body and shrink back.

“No.” The man comes closer to me with a wicked smile on his lips. “Besides, which part of your body I haven’t visited?”

What a jerk!

to have sex with him

am still in menstrual period. Don’t try to do anything to

sneers, “What do you think I'm going to do to you? What's

my lips at Frances Louis and say, “You know whose thoughts are

contradict me. I shall see his

something to tell you.” Frances Louis says and

break in again. But, did he come in just to say this to me, or did he come to peep at me

latter is

bath, I take on the nightgown

is sitting on the bed, sees me coming

down. Most of the time,

with me

Louis says to

with Steven Song tomorrow. I just said that I would be obedient to him, and now I'm going against his

appointment tomorrow.”

and he says sharply,

I refuse him at

never go back on my word if I still

your pardon!” Frances

Instead, I look at Frances Louis with a stubborn expression, “I live with you because I owe you money.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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