In My Desperate Time

Chapter 130 I Think Highly of Myself, Again

Frances Louis, he…

I told him that I didn’t want it. Why he still buys it?

Does he really like me? Like Mindy said?

"No, no, no."

I shake my head and try to get this terrible idea out of my mind and wait for Frances Louis to come.

Then, Frances Louis comes and leads me into the golf course.

I thought Frances Louis was coming in for a round of golf, but he takes me straight to the dining room.

"The Japanese food here is very good. Try it."

I nod and follow him in.

I don’t know much about Japanese food, so I just order a few dishes at random.

When the food is served, I find that many things are raw. In fact, I am not very good at eating raw food, and, not wanting to annoy Frances Louis, I eat a little and put down my chopsticks.

Frances Louis doesn’t eat much either. I never see him eat much. He is always so polite and elegant.

Of course, the Frances I was talking about was the Frances in public. When he with me, he is no more than a beast.

phone rings. He answers and soon

hear what they are saying. I hear him say ‘I know’, and then

reaches the door, he holds out his hand and says, "Give me

bag in

don’t know what he means, but I still give it to him according

and go home.

the bag

don’t understand what is going on. Didn't I choose this necklace? Isn't it

Does he have other

out Frances Louis's mind, so I just take a taxi

ten o’clock in the evening, Frances Louis

care, so I take a

get up early, wash

Louis’s room, I find his quilt neatly

he not come back last night? Or he has

no time to think about Frances Louis and go

one with the

she gives me half as much work as she gives anyone


Louis Group has a

Frances Louis? Does Whitney know

a beat. I can’t concentrate in my work,

"Where? Let me see."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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