In My Desperate Time

Chapter 128 Open the Door

"No way!"

I interrupt her.

"I haven’t finished. Why you interrupted me so hastily?" Mindy says.

"I know what you are going to say. You want to say that Frances Louis likes me. But that’s impossible. I can’t compare with his wife, and he is mean to me, he treats me as if I am just a sex doll. The reason why he behaves in such a perverse way simply because he is too possessive. So, he would rather like a pig than me."

My words make Mindy laugh.

"Only you would compare yourself with a pig."

"Even pigs have a better life than I do. They have nothing to worry about, their lives are all about eating and sleeping." I purse my lips.

Thinking about my recent life, I feel it's been terrible since I got married. Sometimes I really don't want to think nothing, just be a simple inferior creature.

"Forget it. Do you know how many people admire the life of a ‘canary’ these days? A canary is kept in a ‘cage’, eating delicious food and buying things as they wanted. They don't have to go to work, and all they think about is how to make themselves more beautiful every day. Frances Louis hasn’t forced you to pay the money back now. How can you not know to enjoy your life?"

"Every one has his or her own will. I don't want to depend on him for a living. When I have earned enough, I will leave Frances Louis as fast as possible." I say firmly.

much I want to get away

so much, I'll help you pay the debt.

my head and say, "It's not a small number. How can I

"Never mind. Let’s talk about something else. I am wondering how am I going to get out of this room. This lunatic, Frances Louis, has locked

window. It's only the second floor. You won't die if you jump

die. But I’ll

that Andrew Malan and Susan Felton were thrown down so many times, my heart is still

room. Frances Louis will let you out anyway. I've got some business to do. I am leaving. That's

you know

I put the phone aside and lie in bed

little hungry. Remembering there are

with biscuit, it tastes

the door. A

"Open the door."

It’s Frances Louis.

In case Frances Louis would swoop in while

long time

"Time to have lunch."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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