In My Desperate Time

Chapter 154 You Ungrateful Soul

I go back to Virginia with Frances the next day.

Steven calls and tells me that Mangalore had already asked Nicole Snow over to draw again and talk about her design inspiration.

To be honest, I don’t hold much hope. Nicole is not an untalented person. It is not difficult for her to do this. Stealing my drawings is perhaps only for revenge.

I can't go to the company, and I am too afraid to draw at home. All I can do is to sleep in the room.

The strange thing is that Frances hasn't been to work in the past two days. And I don’t know what he does in the room every day.

I can only see him at breakfast, lunch and dinner. After all, he is taking me out to eat.

On this day, when I come back from dinner, the car almost runs into two people as soon as it drives into the villa area.

I quickly get out of the car when I see their faces.

I should have seen that coming.

“Dad, mom, what are you doing? Are you trying to get yourselves killed?”

Mom and dad stop in front of the car, looking awe-inspiring.

to live for!"

are here

in jail, not dead!” I

brother! He hasn't had any hardship since he was a child. Putting him in

pulls my hair and throws me to

on the ground numbly, listening to my mother

family! When I was hospitalized, you didn't even ask about it. I would’ve strangled you to death if I knew you were an ungrateful

word breaks my

don't love my parents, but they hurt me over

the beginning are shattered, and

lively person, but in the end, my heart was

car and looks at

see him, they immediately rush over and kneel in front

son go. I will demand Frank to be your loyal server!” Mom says while

couldn't even laugh, burst in to tears right away. The two old people in front of me

law, and I can't help.” Frances

If you don't save him, my husband and I commit suicide in front of you!” Seeing that the

“I don’t care.”

Frances says without blinking.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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