In My Desperate Time

Chapter 269 Her Craziness

What she said makes sense.

It’s true that Frances doesn’t like others to arrange his life, since he is such a proud and arrogant person. Not to mention the big event of life like marriage. Perhaps, his initial resistance to this marriage makes him ignore his feelings for Whitney.

In fact, Whitney can be viewed as a perfect woman without any flaw except the occasions when she goes mad. And her madness is caused by her crazy love for Frances. She won’t lose her temper as long as Frances is with her.

I can’t find the reason why Frances doesn’t love her, such a good woman.

“If it is, you should go and talk to him about it. Telling me doesn’t help.” I say quietly.

I don’t want to get involved between them.

“He hates me, and he won’t listen to me. You can tell him that you don’t love him, you hate him. So he will know that I’m the one who loves him best in the world. And finally he will come back to me.” she pleads with me, clutching my hands excitedly.

My eyebrows furrow together. Her words confuse me.

him, then he will go

times to him. And I don’t want to have any connections with him now. Please don’t make me feel

point towards the door, expecting

help? But I’m just an unimportant woman to him.

me a long searching look and leaves

me and tells me that Frances and

call me to tell?”

reply calmly, but I couldn’t tell the mixed

about it. Whitney is so madly into Frances, so she must gonna do some crazy things. You should

up with Frances. Even if she does, she shouldn’t come

to me at noon. After all, she didn’t get me any trouble and I don’t want him to

send several men to protect

need to get so many men protecting me.

times more before finally hanging

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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