In My Desperate Time

Chapter 309: His Gentleness Is a Trap

But I can't wait any longer. The child is wailing. How can I just sit there and watch?

Frances refuses to let go. I become so annoyed as I focus on the child.

In the end, I have to push him hard.

"Go away! I need to feed my baby!"

And suddenly, Frances comes.

The white liquid is sprayed onto my body, face, and hair.

And he is stunned.

"Frances! It's disgusting!"

I shout, put on my messy nightgown hurriedly and run towards my room.

While running, I try my best to wipe away the liquid on my face.

Frances is really disgusting! If I hadn't been in a hurry to feed my baby, I would have beaten him up.

"How can you blame me for this? I've already said I was coming. It was you who pushed me away."

Behind me is Frances’ laughter.

What a bastard!

bear it

up!" I shout at


crying? Do you need

makes me

she hear

all, the sound of me

just hungry. I

me like this, I will be too embarrassed to face her for the rest of my

Hearing Sabina leaving, I

also comes over, picks up the child and coaxes him in

waist, and the soft light shines on him. The scene looks

first time I've seen Frances hug

my surprise, the moment the child is hugged by Frances, he suddenly stops

this. Frances turns to face me and says, "You can watch me later. It's time to bottle-feed the

wants to watch you?

bathroom to wash my hands and face carefully to

child stops crying immediately after drinking the milk. He blinks his big eyes at us as

finish the milk, the

smile and sigh. I carry him back into the crib and carefully cover him with

behind, which startles me. And

it be that he wants to

you want to do?" I

and put me on my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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