In My Desperate Time

Chapter 350 I'm Here

“What happened? Speak slowly.”

I quickly sit up on the bed out of surprise.

My heart is beating hard too.

“Today when I got home after work, I found out that mom's not home and there are blood stains on the floor. I can't contact mom no matter how many times I called her, I have no other choice than contacting you. Frances is very resourceful, can you ask him to find mom? I'm really worried about mom.”

I'm so nervous, but I still have to console Frank.

“It's fine, don't worry. Maybe mom just happened to go outside and she didn't hear her phone ringing? As for the blood stains on the floor, she might have accidentally cut her hand when she's cutting some vegetables.”

These words can't even fool me, of course Frank doesn't believe it either.

“How could there be such coincidence in this world? Mom must be in trouble.”

Frank says that surely.

I feel something strange, why does he sound so resolute... Don't tell me that he's hiding something from me?

are you so sure? Is

ask him with a deep

woman these two days that hangs around our house's door, and I think that's strange. Now when

Woman? Who is it?

Is it Whitney?

really someone who wants to do something to my family,

I'm by Frances' side and she can't deal with me,

mental illness recurs and she needs to recover are all lies! She's just looking for the opportunity to deal with

young and beautiful woman?”

yeah, she's beautiful, but she doesn't seem young... At least 30-40

30-40 years old?

Now I'm confused.

that woman is really 30-40 years old, then it's

who else can it

such a short time so I just say, “In that case, don't worry... I'll let Frances help us to get mom's whereabouts, stay at home wait for

hang up after saying

has just finished his shower. With a towel around

“Jane, tonight...”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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