In My Desperate Time

Chapter 362: Jane, I Love You

He loves me?

I wonder if I have an illusion. Otherwise, how can I hear Frances say so?

"What are you saying?"

My voice is trembling.

God knows how nervous I am right now, as if I have been waiting for this moment all my life.

"I love you. Jane, I love you."

Frances stares at my eyes and repeats with the utmost seriousness.

I'm quite obsessed with his voice, which is deep and melodious.

My tears flow down in a flash.

I think this is probably the most touching sweet talk in this world.

In an instant, light seems to shine my dark world.

Frances will

I deeply love,

don't care what he says is true or false. At least in his eyes, I see

me to pounce on him again without any

bring destruction on myself, I don't care

his head

beating hard and I'm even more nervous than I was with my first

tightly, at a loss what to do. I only instinctively hug him

for a long time. I'm so joyful that my mind just goes blank.

"Jane, I love you."

passes by stops. I used to be very shy and afraid of being

moment, I want the whole

time, Frances lets

Frances' gaze,

the feeling

"Why do you blush?"

his voice

turns even

of your business,"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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