In My Desperate Time

Chapter 357: Trust Me One More Time

This is the third floor.

If she falls, she won't be safe!

Ignoring any grudge, I take a step forward and try to pull Sabina back.

Unexpectedly, it is too late. I don't catch her hand.


Sabina shouts and falls straight down.

In the end, she lies on the ground and doesn't move.

I am so scared. I run out the door and down the stairs.

As I run, I shout, "Doctor! Someone falls off the building!"

When I get there, the doctors have already carried Sabina inside.

There is much blood on the ground, and it

wanted to protect my mother, but I didn't expect that

I hope she

After such a big incident, even if I don't want to contact Frances, I still have

he anxiously says, "My mother just ran out of the house. I wonder if she is coming to see you.

I don't want to figure out whether his

say to him, "I just accidentally pushed

With that, I hung up the

However, I feel pain in

With so many things happening, the

turns out that the short-term happiness we had before was like the tranquility before the

I force a smile and turns back

Mom sits dumbfounded on

After seeing me, she hurriedly asks,

Mom's voice is quavered unconsciously. It seems that she is

my mother, "I don't know. When I went down,

Mom doesn't say anything, but her expression becomes even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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