In My Desperate Time

Chapter 458: She's Still Inside

At the entrance, he is stopped by firefighters.

"Sir, you can't go in. It's too dangerous."

Steven turns around, his eyes red.

"This is my house. No one can stop me if I want to go in!"

The firefighters know what kind of place this is and the residents here are either rich of powerful.

Precisely because of this, they can't put him at risk.

"I'm sorry, sir. This is your home, but it's blazing now. It's too dangerous. We won't let you in. Even if there are valuable items inside, you have to wait until the fire is under control and there is no danger."

"Violet is inside! I have to go in!"

Steven shakes off a firefighter's hand and rushes inside.


Seeing that, I call him at once.

Violet is not in there at all. It is perilous for him to act rashly.

To my surprise, Steven doesn't hesitate. Instead, he quickens his pace.

feeling takes over, happy

it is burning up and flames

"What shall we do?"

watch him rush in and find themselves

no choice. Go and save him." It

on his mask, he tags


Frances and ask

"It's hard to say."

to see Frances with such a grim face, which hints that the situation is not

"Violet! Violet! Answer me!"

anxious and helpless yelling

how hard he calls her name,

stubbornness and persistence, I become more worried about his


suffering from thick smoke and



at Frances and take a

how much Violet means to him. I

"Wait a bit longer."

to me in a deep

nod, still feeling

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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