In My Desperate Time

Chapter 485: Wallow in Dissipation

There are a total of seven cars.

I know the last car. It belongs to Frances.

But what about the ones in front?

Old Mr. Louis stops, and he lets go of me with a frown.

I stare blankly at the cars until a few people get off.

I know all of these people.

They are directors of the Louis Group.

When I went to Frances' company, I saw them having a meeting in the conference room.

They get out of the car and glower at me.

I immediately understand that they have ill intentions.

such a big blow, so they won't let me

am afraid that what happens next will disturb his slumber.

the car

at me and says, "Jane, get in

him with a determined

is obviously here

I go in, won't they target old Mr. Louis and

the consequences of what I've


in! If she doesn't give us an explanation, who should we ask to

quite a few shares, and this incident has definitely

of them has lost hundreds of millions, then

you like your explanation? You all know that

Instead, I calm down.

angry people in front of me

you? You still have injuries on your body. You should rest and recuperate. I can handle

people wouldn't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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