In My Desperate Time

Chapter 528: He Is Very Cautious

"Hilda? Who is Hilda?"

The manager asks in confusion.

Only then do I remember that he doesn't know Hilda.

"The one who gave me trouble in the restaurant last time."

Hearing that, the manager immediately understands, but he says to me, "No, it's a man."


I really can't think of anyone who will come for me, so I can only ask the driver to drive faster to the restaurant.

When I return to the restaurant, I don't see the man the manager has mentioned.

I walk to the manager and ask him what was going on. He tells me that the man has left. He leaves me a phone number and asks me to make this call.

I look at the number and dial in confusion.


I say embarrassedly.


On the other end of the phone, there is a deep male voice.

I'm pretty sure I've never heard that voice before.

Then, why does this person come to me?

you come for

lately that I have to be more defensive to deal with everyone

not vigilant against Hilda before, so she has done so

things definitely

"Let's meet and talk."

He is very straightforward.

I don't dare to

he is. It's really

seems to be a voice that keeps reminding me that

mind turn into a question, "When and

behind Rhine

Rhine Town?


confirm my conjecture, I ask. What

that, he hangs up the

o'clock in the afternoon. If I ask the manager for leave, he will definitely not

manager, I

later, I arrive at the

are only the shopkeeper and two

it is impossible

person not here yet, or is

take out my phone and want to ask him where

is from that

room beside and climb out of the window. I

Someone's following me?

Why don't I notice?

person is so cautious, making me even more curious

ladies' room

that I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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