In My Desperate Time

Chapter 563 I Must See Him Right Now

“You’ve arranged everything? What’ve you arranged? I don’t care your arrangement! I want you to be safe and sound! Frances, you can’t get involved in it. I don’t allow it! You’d better come back right now. Please come back, will you?”

I think I’m already gone crazy now.

The mere thought of the possibility of losing him makes me completely unable to control my feelings.

For me, there is nothing in the world that scares me more than losing Frances.

“Jane, calm down and listen to me. If something bad happens to me, all the assets under my name will be transferred to yours. I’ve prepared your passport and visa. As long as there is a bad message about me, someone will pick you and children up and help you leave. And all evidences I collect of Hilda’s crimes will be given to police stations of all places, so that they can provide a strong protection for you. I’ll try my best to protect you and our children.”

I don’t know when tears have streamed down my face.

No! I refuse!

I don’t want a life without Frances. I don’t want a life he arranges for me.

come to find you! I’ll come right

nearly shout at

that I’m still in the company, so I suppress

just stay where you are


I call back, his phone has been

how could I wait here in

what should I do? What

come to find him! Whatever happened, I

ask her to help me find out Frances and Hilda’s

and Frances before. Surprised as she is,

out the movement of Frances and calls

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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