In My Desperate Time

Chapter 600 Because I Want to Protect You

“Come on, you must have found some flaws in my make-up, just tell me!”

I look up at him, not believing what he said.

How can it be so easy to recognize a person who tries to cheat people’s eyes?

How could it be that my make-up fooled so many people except him?

Could it be that my look on him was too affectionate? So he figured out because of my oddness?

Sometimes, eyes can’t tell a lie.

Perhaps my worried eyes betrayed myself.

He lowers his head and gaze at me with great affection.

“Stupid, you doubt me because you don’t know how important you are in my heart. Your look, the way you act has lingered in my dreams thousands of times. It’s not an exaggeration to say that I can tell you from others through a strand of hair.”

too magical to


in his eyes makes it hard for

too much, sweet words are

other things at you!” I snort at him but feel sweet in my

his love for

happens, I will

“Well, I’m listening.”

smiles dotingly and pulls me

How can you have it all without a second thought?! Do you know how serious the consequence would be? If you can’t wake

been for you. If I hadn’t taken it, it would have been you. I would rather take it all on myself than put you

He sounds so

was not right for him to do that but I can’t even find a word

blame doesn’t work, I speak like a spoiled child and circle his waist, whispering, “You must

the world anymore. In the future, there is no one standing between us, and no one can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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