In My Desperate Time

Chapter 593: No One Can Get in Between Us

"No wonder Frances suddenly marries Hilda when he already loves you so much. It can't be real. I knew it!"

Mindy says with certainty, slapping her thighs.

Easy to say in hindsight....

I roll my eyes at her and point it out.

"I remember it very differently when Frances and Hilda were together. You didn't say you knew it. You said he was a bastard or something. Wait a minute! You have said that again one minute ago, haven't you?"

I tilt my head and pretend to be recalling suspiciously.

Mindy knows she has made a fool of herself.

But she just turns around and glares at David, "Did I just say that, David? You didn't hear me say anything bad about Frances, did you?"

With a puzzled look, David shakes his head, "I wasn't paying attention to you guys."

Was he?

How is that possible?

exactly how much he

literally wishes to memorize every word she says. How could he not listen? This

so bad that he is even pretending

tear apart such

I still have the chance to spend the rest

in the hospital,

immediately notices that something is wrong, "Jane, what's

that he's still alive. But, I hope he's fine and nothing bad happens to him. I still have so

weeping on

and whispers to me, "There will be a chance, Jane. You love each other so much that you're willing to die for each other. The


hope it is

in the world happens as people have

I go to the hospital to see

is in stable condition,

day I would stay by his side, hold his hand, and talk

he can hear me. I hope that one day he will suddenly wake up, hold my hand

passed and Frances still

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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