In My Desperate Time

Chapter 605: That's How Cold He Is

Looking for me?

Who will it be?

Mindy hasn't returned from the United States yet.

Mom wouldn't come to see me without telling me in advance.

For a moment, I couldn't think of who it would be.

"Who is it?" I ask the nanny doubtfully.

"It's a woman. I don't know her either. She's very beautiful."

A beautiful woman?

Suddenly, I look at Frances vigilantly.

Damn, could it be another woman I have to compete with after Hilda?

When will this end?

"Frances, if it's another woman you hook up with somewhere, I'll cripple you!"

I glare at him fiercely and go downstairs.

time, I am no longer


didn't dare to speak to

I arrive downstairs, I see

woman in a

figure shrouded in light, but

woman I know


at her

been a long time since the last time I

Frances asked her to get married, she ran away angrily and hasn't come

right now

looks at me. She

the intention to come in.

still angry


turn around and see that Frances

sees Silvia, a trace of surprise flashed through his face. And then joy appeared

Silvia left, Frances has been thinking about whether he was forcing her too

obviously happy to

to be aloof,

"Why are you back?"

did you say it like that?" I roll my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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