In My Desperate Time

Chapter 610: She Is Happy to Do Such a Thing

"What exactly is going on?"

I ask Frances.

"This whole thing is all because of Hilda," Frances explains to me.


My heart skips a beat when I hear the name.

I can’t handle this. This name always makes me nervous.

I gulp and can feel my voice trembling.

"Didn't Hilda already die? Are you saying that...?”

Can it be that Hilda has rigged the execution? Does this kind of scene, which is only seen in TV series, really happens?

Is she still alive?

thinking about it makes my

what Hilda will do to Frances and


is dead. I'm 100% sure. My people were watching when she was executed. There's

pats my back and says to me in a deep voice,

is Serena? How come I've never

I ask him doubtfully.

"She’s Mike's woman."

I recall this

on the cruise ship, there is indeed a woman beside Mike. I have vaguely heard Mike

one on the cruise ship last time?" I

with a

think I know what's going

all likelihood, Serena is avenging

Mike dies because

the police figured out anything

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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