“Em-Emmett” I spoke registering what just happened. I was in a state of shock now. I was beginning to feel my head spinning very badly yet I managed to compose myself for the sake of Emmett.

“Emmett” I cried as I ran to him dodging Zachary successfully.

“Emmett!” I cried holding his face and began to pat his face. His eyes were closed and I looked down to see blood oozing out of his middle region.

“Emmett open your eyes. Please!” I begged and cried when he didn’t even respond.

“Juliette!” I heard someone calling me and I looked towards the people to see Jace screaming for me as he was held by a man stopping him from coming near me.

“J-Jace look what happened to Emmett. He is just not opening his eyes” I cried.

“Juliette!” Kiara cried looking at me.

“Kiara look what just happened” I cried holding Emmett’s Face.

“Emme-” I was cut off by Zachary himself as he shouted “Enough!” at me and got hold of my arm pulling me up. I began to struggle against him to let myself free.

“Let me go!” I cried wanting to free myself.

“You are coming with me” he spoke in a dead voice and began to drag me with him.

“Juliette!” I heard everyone shouting for me.

“Leave her” Kiara screamed trying to get me from the crowd.

“Leave me!” I cried, even more, when he ignored my pleadings and began to walk towards the exit.

“Where are you taking me? Let me go!” I cried as I began to struggle again and tried to get myself free.

“Juliette!” I heard my father screaming for me.

I looked back at them to see them crying for me. My eyes fell on the figure who was lying on the floor.

“Emmett” I whispered feeling helpless.

I was dragged out of the church and immediately a Limo Pulled before us.

Zachary nodded at his men who were surrounding us holding their guns probably for security. Security for Zachary.

Zachary pulled me towards the limo and I began to struggle more.

“Leave me! Leave me” I screamed and finally, I was able to yank my hand away from his hold. As soon as I was able to free myself I turned around to run back to Emmett but again I was stopped when Zachary took hold of my hand and made me turn back to him again.

all my force I used my other hand to slap him hard on

to the left and his widened probably

Bastard who do you think you are?” I began to scream

with anger and he glared at me

he hissed and pulled me to him making me gasp “and for that slap” he traced my face using his gun “I will just let it slip as it was too much for

stood my position.

He whispered seductively

good girl if you want your family to get out of that church alive” he pulled me closer as he folded my

I whispered not finding my voice. My heart thumping

from you and they are dead” he spoke emotionlessly as killing

feeling anxiety growing inside me.

me” he whispered.

“Why are you doing this?” I cried as I couldn’t stop my

hand and turned around dragging me with him. I kept my mouth close only because of his threat and cried silently following him.

got in after me closing the door. But I heard my name being called when he closed

of the window to see Dad running out of the church with Jace and soon mom came following them.

guessed my name probably being called by them as they began to fight against the man trying to come to us.

began to run to god knows where. I kept staring at the figure who were fighting against the man to get

seat sobbing feeling helpless. I looked towards the left

now was hatred. I hated him so much. He killed my love. The thought that I would be not seeing Emmett again in my life

you” I whispered but I knew he heard me as he turned his head away from my direction and stared out of the window.

this time to myself as I silently

head spin and I began to close my eyes feeling tired all of a sudden.

I was lying on a bed and I looked around to see it was a small room with dim lights. Everything was classy and seemed expensive.

am in a plane?” I whispered realizing it when my eyes fell on a small circular window which showed me the clouds.

door which I guessed as the attached bathroom. Luckily it was the bathroom. I could hear the wind more clearly in the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror to find myself a mess. My makeup was smudged

man who killed my love. I shuddered and felt

many times on my face to get rid of my makeup. I and to use soap as there was no face wash. Using a brush I brushed my hair and got rid of the clips. But what made me nauseous

It was Emmett’s blood.

What would be

him. He was no more. I lost him before my eyes and I couldn’t do anything to save him.

all because of Zachary.

did he

Why did he marry

met Zachary before. It is clear that I do not know him in any way. So why did he kill Emmett and what did he marry me?

remember what Zachary spoke earlier in that Church “Now you will feel how I felt when you took the most precious thing away from me you dog”.

Precious thing?

Emmett took his precious thing?

know Emmett. He can never do this

kill someone and marry someone forcefully against its will” I spoke to myself.

life a living

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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