It Was You

Chapter 856 Why Are You Here

Cassandra pressed Karen's shoulder and looked at Nixon, "Mr. Su, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Nixon asked someone to bring an umbrella here. When he heard what Cassandra said, he said apologetically, "You're welcome, Miss Cassandra. I've asked someone to block the scene and get all the surveillance videos of the paddock. It's raining heavily here. Why don't we go to the lounge first?"

The heavy rain came so suddenly that all the good rivers and mountains were covered in mist. Nobody knew how long it would rain, and it was useless to stay in the rain all the time.

Cassandra nodded slightly, "Okay. Although the horse is seriously injured, it should not be in danger. Mr. Su, please help me check who the owner of the horse is. In addition, send someone to carry it to a clean place, and don't let anyone touch it."

Nixon immediately said, "I've investigated the owner of this horse and arrested him. As for the details, let's go to the lounge first, okay?"

Cassandra lowered her head, holding a black umbrella. She suddenly missed Martin, missing the unique and light fragrance of the man, but she knew that she couldn't leave before the end of the matter here.

The horse suddenly lost control. It would be fine if it was just an accident, but if it was man-made, she would not let go.

In the lounge.

Nixon had already asked people to prepare clean clothes for the guests.

to do a careful examination for Cassandra. After confirming that she was indeed not injured,

and said, "Here is all the surveillance video of the paddock tonight. Miss Cassandra, will you watch

surveillance videos. If she watched them here, she didn't

hands, and then a man in a black suit and black sunglasses

scarf on his left hand. His clothes were soaked through by the rain, and half of his trousers were splashed with mud, and his body and face were also covered with mud. He had a straight nose and

At the time of the accident, he fell down from the horse, and his left hand was a little broken. Because he was detained, he could only be treated simply with a soft silk scarf after the bone was set. Later, he will go

he said in an extremely difficult tone, "Mr. Su, I... I don't know why my horse suddenly lost control. I... I really

dare to hurt people. Moreover, the horse suddenly lost control just now, and he fell off

said in a low voice, "Mr. Fei, have you

head, still in a daze. "No, horse racing is just a hobby of our people. There are always people in charge of feeding and bathing

blood in Cassandra's dark eyes. She kept silent for two seconds and continued,

"No, as usual, I didn't observe carefully. I just took the reins from the staff and left. There

a sense of superiority innately, and they were usually more afraid

answer from the young

with the horse. I've watched the surveillance video during this period of time. There is nothing wrong with it. Miss Cassandra, do you need

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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