Chapter 118 Swollen

Chloe paused, momentarily taken aback. Despite her curiosity about her maternal grandparents, she remained cautious and asked, “Are you saying you know who they are?”

‘Mom never mentioned anything about her parents, so how does he know?”

“If you want to find them, go talk to Alexander,” he replied.

With a smug expression, Benjamin led Ava away from the convenience store. As they stepped outside, Ava asked in confusion, “Daddy, do you really know about Coco’s maternal grandparents?”

“When her mother married me, she cut ties with her family, but I know how to find them,” Benjamin said as he gazed at the diamond necklace she was wearing. “Take this necklace and go to Jade Street in the southern part of the city. You’ll find them there.”

These were the words Chloe’s late mother had entrusted to Benjamin, who had instructed him to wait until Chloe reached adulthood before revealing the truth.

Ava was surprised. “Are they in the jewelry business? Wouldn’t that mean they’re quite wealthy?”

“They just run a small shop. It’s nothing great,” Benjamin replied disdainfully.

glanced at his wristwatch and stood up. He picked up his suit from the coat stand and headed toward the underground


She hugged herself tightly with her chin resting on her knees, assuming a self-protective posture.

its wounds

wonder, ‘Is working in Custodial that exhausting? Perhaps she’s overwhelmed by the burden of

it. He intended to offer some words of comfort,

and slowly lifted her head. One side of her cheek was swollen, and there were clear finger marks on it.

sank as he asked, “Who did

should still call him my dad

and he frowned in disbelief. “He

claims to be her father?”

shrug, feigning nonchalance. “It’s

should have gotten used to it a long

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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