Chapter 138 It’s Because You’re Stupid

Feeling deeply humiliated, Melody cast a glance at Joseph, expecting him to reprimand his employee on her behalf.

However, Joseph’s countenance was dark, making him hundreds of times more intimidating than the assistant standing before her.

In the end, Melody glared fiercely at Lucas before storming off in


Fueled by rage, Melody returned to the site and looked for Chloe.

“You did this on purpose, didn’t you?” she confronted Chloe as she seethed with anger.

Chloe blinked innocently. “What are you talking about? I don’t understand.”

“You intentionally set me up to provoke Mr. Joseph and make a fool of myself!”

“But it was you who volunteered for the task and insisted on helping me deliver it,” Chloe replied, glancing at the developer and saying earnestly, “I’m not remembering things wrong,

am I?”

smile and turned to

Uncle! She bullied me! You

‘He’s her uncle?’

Melody’s limited abilities. no company would be willing to hire her if she did not

family relationship, the developer did not say anything too harsh to Melody, merely waving his hand for her to quickly go

calm and composed demeanor. Her expression resembled that

her perspective, Joseph was typically calm and collected, rarely showing signs of anger. Melody must have done something to upset him and was now attempting to pass the blame onto

appease the emotions of your company’s staff

developer to secure a lucrative business opportunity with Fairlight, and he had put in tremendous effort to make it happen. Therefore, he was determined not to allow Melody to jeopardize everything he

mind, he raised his voice, bringing up Melody’s parents and reproaching her, “If you feel aggrieved in my company and can’t continue working here, I can

fell silent and reluctantly went to buy coffee. Fifteen minutes later, she returned with three cups in hand. She extended one toward Chloe, and suddenly, an idea took shape in her head. Her eyes swiveled around in their sockets as she smiled. “I apologize for earlier. I tend to be

Melody was up to no good. She recalled that Melody was part of the team when Peter nearly violated her last time.

smiled silently and reached out to take the cup.

Chloe deftly maneuvered her body,

Are you blind?!” Melody shrieked in pain, her voice

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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