Chapter 147 Intimate Photos

Ava was dressed in a delicate white dress, laughing and joking with a stranger. Her enchanting demeanor made the man next to her blush.

“I’m relying on you for this case.”

“No problem. It’s just a small matter. But can you handle your alcohol? You don’t look like a wild one…”

“I can handle some. Lawyers like you must have a challenging time in their daily work. Today is a good opportunity for you to unwind.”

“Then I’ll follow your lead. Thanks to the timely rain outside, it has created this chance. It’s an honor to have your company, Ms. Ava.”

In just a few sentences, Chloe grasped the situation at hand. Without hesitation, she boldly approached the pair, a sneer on her face.

As soon as Ava caught sight of Chloe, her previously joyful expression turned serious. The man beside her observed the sudden change and inquired, “What’s the matter?”

Ava’s lips tightened into a line and whispered, “I just saw my sister.”

filled with astonishment. He had thought Ava was beautiful before, but now she seemed to pale in comparison. However, the allure of a woman as captivating as Chloe was too much for him to handle, while Ava was just right for him.

said in a firm tone, “You’re the ingrate I’ve heard so much about, I presume?”

bothered to respond to him and addressed Ava directly, “Did you

Why do we have to make it so

I don’t have time for your theatrics. Save your pitiful act for

subsided when she took into account Gideon’s renowned reputation as a lawyer. In Aesper City, there were


limited means, could afford to secure the services of such a

aggressive attitude.

before he could

give us a moment alone? I’d like to have a private conversation with Coco”

his glare. “Be more polite when talking to

beyond appearances. Or maybe men simply preferred girls that

seeing Gideon leave, the fleeting tenderness on Ava’s face quickly vanished. Her voice dripped with disgust as she said, “You witnessed it yourself. He’s Gideon Parker, a renowned force in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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